Why Building Swell?

Jordan Easterling

Our team at Building Swell is passionate about building a better construction, and are developing the first end-to-end operating system for industrialized builders.

Why? We're frustrated with how often we see homelessness hurting our cities and know it's not a simple fix. Actually, the answer is REALLY complicated. While some of our friends (like those at Urban Vision Alliance) are approaching policy and transparency, we're tackling another big part of the problem - lack of housing supply.

Why not just build more housing? The industry is trying to, but supply is falling far behind population growth each year. Construction workers are leaving the industry, less jobs are available as projects get increasingly more complex, all leading to higher hard costs.

There is hope. Construction is industrializing, breaking buildings into sub-assemblies and producing them in a shop. It's a shift in how projects are designed and built, but the impact is as big as the assembly line was for the automotive industry.

That's why we started Building Swell - to help an industry trying to change for the better. Better methods lead to lower costs, which lead to more equitable access to housing.

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